Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
DOH Red Orchid Awards 2009: Call for Nomination

Nomination Form
Smoking in the Philippines is among the highest in the world today. In 2008, the World Lung Foundation and the American Cancer Society ranked the Philippines as 9th highest for adult male smokers and 16th highest for female adult smokers. Even among the world's youth, the country was among the heaviest tobacco users with Filipino girls occupying the 2nd place and Filipino boys in the 4th place in 2003. The 2007 Global Youth Tobacco Survey revealed that 22% of the Filipino teenagers or 1 in 5 high school students aged 13-15 years currently smoke. This reflects an increase of 30% over the past two years.
Equally alarming is that hundreds of thousends of people who never smoked worldwide die each year from illnesses related to inhalation of other people's tobacco smoke, or what is now termed as second-hand smoke. Studies have shown that exposure for as little as 8 to 20 minutes causes physical reactions linked to heart disease and stroke. The heart rate increases; the heart's oxygen supply decreases; and blood vessels constrict which increases blood pressure and makes the heart work harder. Thus, second-hand smoke also causes disease and death in healthy nonsmokers.
A Filipino is dying every 6 minutes due to tobacco-related diseases. The cure for this devastating tobacco epidemic in the country is dependent on concerted actions of people in the community, government and civil societies to encourage people to quit smoking for health reasons and to protect people from exposure to second-hand smoke. Implementing a 100% Smoke-Free Environment in Department of Health's (DOH) central and regional offices, hospitals and attached agencies as well as in all levels of local government units (provincial, city, municipal and barangay) is the start of protecting the population from the harmful effects of tobacco use and exposure.
Following the guidelines set by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Republic Act 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 and its corresponding implementing Rules and Regulations, the DOH Administrative Order No. 2009-0010 on the Rules and Regulations Promoting a 100% Smoke-Fee Environment, and the Civil Service Commission's Memorandum Circular No. 17, s. 2009 or the Smoking Prohibition based on 100% Smoke-Free Environment Policy, the DOH RED ORCHID AWARDS 2009 is launched.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III today announced the list of drugs that will be subjected to 50% voluntary price reduction starting August 15.
The list includes sixteen drug molecules (or 41 drug preparations) that were proposed by various multinational drug companies as an offshoot of the initial meeting and consultation with President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last July 8, 2009.
President Arroyo previously asked drug companies to submit their voluntary compliance to a reduction of the initial 21 drugs and medicines that were originally deemed for inclusion in the imposition of the Maximum Drug Retail Price (MDRP).
“We are very pleased with the fast and encouraging response of the industry to the appeal of government to voluntarily reduce their drug prices by 50%. In fact, we got more than what we bargained for because apart from the original list that we proposed, other drug companies offered voluntary price cuts in some of their leading products,” Duque stated.
Duque revealed that 8 pharmaceutical companies have agreed to also apply voluntary price reduction to 22 other molecules or 31 more products that were not in the MDRP list bringing the total number to 38 drug molecules (or 72 products). These medicines are indicated against hypertension, diabetes, influenza, hypercholesterolemia, cancer, arthritis, goiter, allergies and infections.
“Thus, the additional medicines also served to broaden access to more medicines against more diseases,” Duque stressed. “Today’s show of support and cooperation by a variety of stakeholders from different sectors exemplifies how public-private partnerships can be utilized to broaden access to essential medicines effectively in line with our international commitment to the 8th Millennium Development Goal for Global partnerships,” Duque added.
In a Resolution adopted and approved today by Secretary Duque together with other members of the Advisory Council for Medicine Price Regulation, it was emphasized that the reckoning date for implementing the voluntary price cuts is on August 15, 2009.
“We expect, most of the manufacturers, distributors, traders and retail outlets to comply with this deadline, especially for those with automated systems,” Duque emphasized.
Meanwhile, small and medium-sized drug outlets with manual systems will be given until September 15 to comply with voluntary price reduction to enable them to reconcile and validate their inventories and adjust to the changes in drug prices. However, those that can already implement before this must already comply. After September 15, sanctions will be imposed on non-compliant retailers.
“With this significant price reduction in leading essential products we expect that it will alleviate the burden imposed by criminally-high drug prices on our countrymen particularly the poor. But this is just one measure to widen medicines access for the public. Again we emphasize that there are already available generic drugs in the market that are equally safe and effective but which we can buy at much, much cheaper prices,“ Duque concluded.
The drugs were selected on the basis of their impact in addressing diseases which are of great public health importance in the country, their high price differentials compared to drug prices internationally, lack of market access particularly for the poor and limited competition with their generic counterparts.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY: The Department of Health Center for Health Development in Northern Mindanao today appealed to the parents of students from the schools which suspended classes due to confirmed positive cases of Influenza AH1N1 to observe the mandatory ten (10) days home confinement.
This is to prevent the virus from further spreading within the school campus and the community.
DOH-HD NM Director III Dr. Jose R. Llacuna, Jr. issued the appeal after more schools have declared suspension of classes today after receiving the official communication that they have confirmed positive cases of AH1N1 from DOH.
Among the schools who have already declared suspension of classes are Xavier University, Lourdes College, Corpus Christie School, St. Mary's Academy, Rosevale School, Capitol University and Pilgrim Christian College.
Other schools scheduled to suspend classes within this week are Liceo de Cagayan University, Kong Hua School and Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori.
City Central School preferred to implement selective suspension of classes as only the sections with at least 20% of pupils experiening Influenza Like Illness (ILI) symtoms will be suspended.
DOH stressed that the proper interventions should first be implemented prior the suspension of classes such as orientation to the students and parents of the prevention measures against the pandemic flu and the commitment in their part to observe the self quarantine for ten (10) days. (jungalbs)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
July 18, 2009
At 10am today, July 18, 2009, the Department of Health (DOH) formally received the consolidated undertaking of various pharmaceutical companies to bring down prices of a list of medicines that address major public health concerns such as hypertension, diabetes, common infections, and cancer, among others.
The list was transmitted by the Executive Director Reiner Gloor of the Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association of the Philippines (PHAP) where it contained a summary of the medicines being offered and their respective price reductions. It carried the proposals of both PHAP member companies and some non-PHAP members.
The DOH with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) are urgently reviewing the said list, validating the prices, identifying any possible inconsistencies, and assessing the practicability of the said undertaking. After the said review and consultation, the DOH and DTI shall jointly make their recommendations to the President whether to accept or reject said submission.
“We take note of the timely submission of the pharmaceutical companies and their commitment to lower medicines prices of their common products by at least 50%,” said Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III. “It is good that they met the deadline of the President and that they did not ask for extensions or engaged in any dilatory tactics,” Duque elaborated.
“We are making sure that the 21 molecules are reflected in their proposal and that the price reductions are consistent with the 50% price reduction policy that has been adopted,” stressed Trade Secretary Peter Favila.
In addition to the 21 molecules, the consolidated summary in the letter of undertaking also contained a list of other products offered for voluntary price reductions.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"The Quest for Excellence through FOURmula One"
DOH-ARMM HEALTH ASSEMBLYDepartment of Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Regional Secretary Dr. Tahir Sulaik and ARMM Regional Governor Honorable Datu Zaldy Uy Ampatuan leads the opening of the first-ever DOH-ARMM Health Assembly held at the Waterfront Insular Hotel in Davao on July 14. The Health Assembly aims to upgrade the health conditions of ARMM by reducing maternal and infant mortality, improve health facilities, and provide potable water to all barangays.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III, during a press conference held at the DOH on July 13, stressed that there was no collusion made with multinational drug companies. Duque disclosed that the meeting was transparent and that Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association of the Philippines (PHAP) was part of the said consultation meeting. PHAP agreed to voluntary submit a price listing of drugs to be reduced before the government implements a Maximum Drug Retail Price
Sunday, July 12, 2009
From: DOH WebPage
Press Release/10 July 2009
The Department of Health (DOH) today reported that the government, led by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, met with multi-national pharmaceutical companies last Wednesday, to hasten the lowering of prices of drugs and medicines under the maximum drug retail price (MDRP) list.
Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III said that in the meeting, the President, upon the recommendation of Trade Secretary Peter Favila, directed the companies (whether manufacturing or distributing medicines) to submit their proposals in 10 days of all the drugs and medicines whose prices they would voluntarily lower by at least 50%, including but not limited to the listed medicines under the MDRP.
The President gave such ultimatum to speed up bringing down the prices of medicines and have our people enjoy the benefits of cheaper medicines the earliest possible time. It also serves to challenge these firms to add more medicines to the list of those they are mandated to bring down.” Duque said.
“During our consultations with the different stakeholders including those from industry, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), consumer groups, academe, and drugstore association, it was clarified that full and effective implementation of the MDRP would take around two (2) to three (3) months. This is due mostly to administrative issues on reconciling inventory, compliance to labeling requirements as accorded by Law (putting the red strip and others) and preventing possible stock-outs of the much needed products in the drugstores. Voluntary compliance for some of these companies will make our people enjoy low cost quality medicines even before the two to three month period.” Duque clarified.
Trade Secretary Peter Favila, on the other hand, emphasized that such undertaking and voluntary compliance by the companies must be formally submitted, signed and must be made in the simplest terms. “We do not want complexities or proposals that require much legal study, we just want them to submit a simple undertaking showing the medicines that they will reduce the prices to at least 50% in the next few weeks.”
The meeting, which was held during the inauguration of the Dr. Eva Macaraeg Macapagal Geriatric Hospital last July 8, was requested by Pfizer. The President was accompanied by Secretary Duque, Trade Secretary Peter Favila, Trade Assistant Secretary Ma. Lourdes Baua, Congressman Benny Abante, Congressman Junie Cua and DOH-National Drug Policy Program Manager Dr. Robert Louie So.
The multinational industry, on the other hand, was represented by top management namely Mr. Albert Mateo of Pfizer, Mr. Augusto Villanueva of Roche, Mr. Reiner Gloor of PHAP/Zuellig, Mr. Andrew Santos of Wyeth and Mr. Caloy Realuyo of Sanofi.
In the course of the meeting, the President even called for some common workers and wage earners in the meeting to stress to these companies that it is these people that we need to service.
Secretary Duque said Pfizer raised the issue of lack of consultation in putting up the MDRP list. “I would like to emphasize that there have been lots of consultations made prior to transmittal of the MDRP list for Her Excellency’s approval. At least four advisory council meetings were held where the MDRP was discussed. This advisory council was created as allowed by Section 18 of Republic Act 9502 or the Cheaper Medicine Act to give advice and recommendations on the implementation, policies and enforcement of the law. The multinational and local companies have been well represented in these meetings by Mr. Reiner Gloor, PHAP Executive Director and Mr. Ed Isaac, Philippine Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industries President. They have been informed of the list even before it was transmitted to the President.” Duque said.
“Let us remember that local drug prices for many multinational products are priced from 2 to 10 times higher than prices of the same brands abroad. With these initiatives, Amlodipine, for example should now only be Php 22 from Php 44, Metronidazole suspension should only be at least 65 pesos from 112 pesos. And there are more on the list. We want to speed up bringing down these drug prices in a way that our countrymen will benefit the soonest.” Duque stressed.Thursday, July 9, 2009
Update 54 - WHO Commends DOH for Anti-A(H1N1) Efforts, Adopts Weekly Reporting System of Cases as Recommended by WHO
9 July 2009
The Department of Health (DOH) today expressed gratitude to the World Health Organization (WHO) over the commendation it gave to the government agency for its swift and tireless efforts in dealing with the novel virus A (H1N1).
The WHO letter dated June 30, 2009 and signed by WHO Regional Director Dr. Shin Young-soo put on record “my personal appreciation of the exceptional collaboration established between the Government of the Philippines and the World Health Organization in the fight against Pandemic H1N1 2009. I commend your leadership and tireless efforts in responding to this emerging threat to the health of the people of the Philippines”.
“We are very grateful that our efforts were recognized and didn’t go to waste. We appreciate that the WHO finds our response efficient and that it is confident on the quality of our laboratory diagnoses,” Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III said.
The WHO letter further said that “Contact tracing has also been thorough, allowing the DOH to detect further cases and slow down the spread of the virus. The efficiency of the response indicated to me that the Philippines has the fundamental capacity to detect and respond to the new influenza virus. I should add that WHO is also confident about the quality of the laboratory diagnoses carried out by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine and about the epidemiological activities conducted by the National Epidemiology Center (NEC)”.
Meanwhile, Duque also said that the Philippines, as a member country of the WHO, will now be adopting the WHO recommended changes in the reporting of A (H1N1) cases.
According to the WHO, for countries already experiencing community-wide transmission, the focus of A (H1N1) surveillance activities must shift to reporting against the established indicators for the monitoring of seasonal influenza activity. Those countries are no longer required to submit regular reports of individual laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths to the WHO.
“The WHO will no longer be issuing global table updates that show the number of confirmed cases for all countries but will instead continue to document the global spread with updates describing the situation in newly affected countries,” Duque said.
The WHO said that as the pandemic evolves, the data needed for risk assessment are also changing and that at this point, its further spread is considered inevitable. It said that the increasing numbers of cases in many countries with sustained community transmission is making it extremely difficult to confirm them through laboratory testing.
Because the DOH is set to abide by the newly recommended reporting system of WHO for A (H1N1), it is now reviewing and adjusting its surveillance systems to fit the monitoring of the novel virus in its regular surveillance of Influenza-like illnesses (ILI) in the country.
Duque stressed that globally and locally, the novel virus has caused mild illness in the majority of affected patients with expected full recovery even without medical treatment. However, there are some cases that become serious especially if the patients have underlying pre-medical conditions. Like the other seasonal flu strains, A (H1N1) can cause severe viral pneumonias and other flu complications” Duque said.
“So, again, we are urging the public to be more vigilant in guarding their health against A (H1N1) despite its generally mild clinical manifestations in most of the cases reported in the country,” Duque stressed.
The Secretary said that such highly vulnerable conditions include uncontrolled diabetes, frank cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic liver and kidney disease. He added that those who are organ transplant recipients, immunocompromised, and suffering from other infections like HIV/AIDs and TB; pregnant women and the very young and the elderly are more at risk of developing serious cases of A (H1N1).
“We are stressing this point because of the first previously reported case of death in the country involving a patient with an incidental finding of A (H1N1). We now have to be more aggressive in targeting segments of patients with a high vulnerability to fatal flu complications,” Duque pointed out.
“We want to make it clear that high-risk groups, once they have the flu symptoms, should immediately go to their doctor. They should not wait for their symptoms to worsen because they are prone to many other infections such as our seasonal flu strains,” Duque clarified.
“We also advise parents and guardians to seek immediate professional help if they see danger signs in children and other family members which indicate rapid progression of the disease or a worsening of symptoms. Likewise healthcare providers should stick to the basic protocol of managing acute respiratory infections among children by being vigilant of these danger signs which include rapid breathing, excessive drowsiness, poor intake or dehydration. In adults, chest pain, prolonged fever or labored breathing should prompt warnings to see a doctor,” Duque reminded the public.
Meanwhile, Duque advised the public to continue following the recommendations of the DOH on proper handwashing, cough etiquette, and other hygiene practices.
“The best defense against A (H1N1) and other diseases is to boost your immune system. Most people can fight off this virus without special medications or hospitalization. You can stay at home and take supportive care like plenty of fluids, vitamins and bed rest,” Duque stressed.
In this connection, Duque strongly advised the public to be vigilant over advertisements or fraudulent sales promotion practices of food supplements, vitamins or other products that create an erroneous impression that the product concerned could cure or treat the A (H1N1) virus.
“It must be stressed that to date, there are no food supplements, vitamins or vaccines that cure or treat the novel virus,” Duque stressed.
“We are warning manufacturers and distributors of these products that any claim in their advertisements that it can cure or treat A (H1N1) can be an outright violation of Section 112 of the Republic Act No. 7394 (The Consumer Act of the Philippines), Bureau Circular 2007-002 (The Guidelines in the Use of Nutrition and Health Claims in Food), and Republic Act No. 3720 (Violating the Misbranding Provisions),” Duque said.
“We are encouraging the public to report to the Bureau of Food and Drugs (at 809-4390 local 1051) any advertisement or fraudulent sales promotion practices involving the above-mentioned products that create an erroneous impression that it could prevent, cure or treat the novel virus,” Duque concluded.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Update 53 - Duque Orders DOH to Bolster Mitigation Efforts Against A (H1N1)
From: DOH Webpage
01 July 2009
Health Secretary Francisco T. Duque III today reported that the Department of Health (DOH) is further bolstering its mitigation efforts against Influenza A(H1N1) in light of the anticipated rise of cases in the country.
On June 30, Duque convened another DOH Command Conference attended by members of the A (H1N1) Task Force, the DOH regional health directors, the chiefs of hospitals of all the 72 DOH-retained hospitals in the country, and some representatives from the private sector.
“As we anticipate more cases in the coming months, we must institute effective mitigation measures to save lives and prevent deaths and to reduce the impact of the pandemic to our nation and the economy,” Duque said.
With the shift toward the mitigation strategy, the DOH is ensuring that all government hospitals, both at the national and local government levels have the capacity to administer care to high-risk patients where the severe manifestations of the A (H1N1) virus are frequently seen. This is in accordance with the directives of President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo last week to prepare well-equipped isolation wards in all state-run hospitals throughout the country.
High risk patients include patients with preexisting medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, immunosuppression, HIV/AIDs, TB, pregnant women and the very young and the elderly.
Duque also called for a meeting with the member agencies of the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) to engage them, particularly the DILG, in strengthening the involvement of local government units in the A (H1N1) response. This is to make sure that local governments have surveillance, monitoring and response systems in place and that hospitals and primary health care facilities under their jurisdiction are able to identify, treat and manage A (H1N1) cases.
“We have also requested the NDCC member agencies, especially DepEd, CHED and TESDA and PIA to help us in our nationwide campaign against A (H1N1). This is to make sure that our information and education activities reach all schools, barangays and provinces in the country,” Duque added.
Come next week, DOH is also set to meet with the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) and hospital groups like the Philippine Hospital Association (PHA) and the Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society (PHICS) to engage all hospitals and healthcare providers in the appropriate treatment and management of A (H1N1) patients according to the set interim guidelines of the DOH.
Meanwhile, Duque announced that 1,709 confirmed A (H1N1) cases have been reported to the DOH from the 1st week of May up to June 27, 2009. Eighty-six percent (86%) or 1,485 of these cases have already recovered, while the remaining 224 (14%) are still under treatment at present, most of them under home management.
“All cases exhibited mild symptoms with the most common as fever (86%), cough (81%), and nasal congestion (49%),” Duque said, noting however, that there was one reported death.
“The ages of cases range from 5 months to 79 years old, with 18 years old as median age. Most of them belonged to the 10-19 years age group (831 or 49%). Majority of the cases were male (894 or 52%),” Duque described.
Duque disclosed that of the 1,709 reported cases, 1,568 (92%) were Filipinos; the rest were American (with 17), Japanese (8), Chine (4), Korean (3), German (2), and one each from Australia, Canada, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Sweden, Thailand, and Turkey.
“Two hundred and eighty-five cases (17%) had history of travel to a country which has reported A (H1N1) cases. Most came from the USA, China, Japan and Singapore,” Duque noted.
Duque said that as far as the geographic profile of the 1,709 cases is concerned the National Capital Region has the most number of patients: comprising 72% (1,225). Cases from NCR mostly came from Quezon City, Manila, ParaƱaque, Pasig and Makati.
The three other regions that reported the most number of cases were: Regions IV-A, III and VIII.
As far as the global report is concerned, the World Health Organization, as of June 29, has recorded 70,893 cases with 311 deaths from 109 reporting countries.
DUQUE VS. DENGUEHealth Secretary Francisco T. Duque III on Tuesday said, "The Department of Health is now into an aggressive year-round, all-out war against dengue as more cases are expected this year than the previous year.” Duque also urged the residents of Payatas B to strictly follow the 4-S campaign of the DOH against dengue. (1 July 2009, Payatas B, Quezon City)