“Hospitals should be centers of wellness and not of sickness, hence the need to maintain always a clean environment,” Health Secretary Enrique T. Ona said, adding that the poor status of cleanliness and orderliness of DOH hospitals have always been a usual source of complaints among patients and caregivers, as well.
Aside from providing health services, hospital authorities should make sure that the wards, rooms, lavatories, hallways, and corridors inside the hospital premises and its surroundings are always clean, orderly, and odor-free.
The health chief challenged all hospital directors of DOH-retained hospitals and specialty hospitals to maintain the highest degree of hygiene in their work environment. Unclean, unkempt and smelly hospital premises pose a health risk to patients, their companions, and health workers. Oftentimes, this also causes the negative perception of the people on public hospitals.
The “Ospital ng PiNOY: Malinis at Mabango” campaign specifically instructs hospitals to maintain cleanliness and orderliness inside hospital premises including driveways and parking areas at all times and pursue specific initiatives, mechanisms, and activities to achieve its goal. It should also mobilize its staff and health workers, as well as patients and their companions, to ensure that hospital cleanliness and orderliness is maintained.
“Ospital ng PiNOY: Malinis at Mabango” stickers, posters, and tarpaulins should be set up in conspicuous areas such as entrances, corridors, hallways, offices, wards, rooms, lavatories, etc.
A feedback mechanism such as grievance boxes, complaint desks, hotlines is a must in order to allow patients, clients and other stakeholders to lodge their complaints regarding the cleanliness and orderliness of the hospital so that corrective measures are implemented immediately.
Ona directed the Assistant Secretary for Special Concerns and Regional Directors to ensure compliance to this campaign by conducting regular, random, unannounced spot checks of hospitals and by calling the attention of hospital chiefs, if necessary.
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